我們使用精準的數位式力矩儀來調節並檢測產品的力矩。可生產的力矩範圍為5mg-mm 到3000mg-mm / 90度角。可提供以不鏽鋼、鐵、或磷銅為線材的游絲,並視您需求提供游絲中心銅珠。
Hairspring is the heart of all kinds pointer-like measures. The accuracy of hairsprings decides the quality of gauges deeply and directly.
Precise digital torque measurement controls accurate torque performance. The available torque range is between less than 15mg-mm and more than 3000mg-mm at 90 degree. Stainless steel, iron, phosphor bronze, and brass material for wire and collet are available to choose.
LiGlory provides products consultation and customization, please contact us.